Articles By This Author
The relation between marketing and supply chain management – part 9
This research released by Ahmed Ragaie in 2014 during his masters degree from ESE, University of Buckingham. Conclusion and Recommendations The main conclusion Based on the findings obtained in this research, it is evident that supply chain management and marketing activities in organizations ought to be collaboratively approached. For multinational firms, the highly dynamic global […]
The relation between marketing and supply chain management – part 8
This research released by Ahmed Ragaie in 2014 during his masters degree from ESE, University of Buckingham. Conclusion and Recommendations The main conclusion Based on the findings obtained in this research, it is evident that supply chain management and marketing activities in organizations ought to be collaboratively approached. For multinational firms, the highly dynamic global […]
The relation between marketing and supply chain management – part 7
This research released by Ahmed Ragaie in 2014 during his masters degree from ESE, University of Buckingham. 4.5 Testing and analysis of the third hypotheses (A strategic integration framework) There’re 3 point of view could be differentiated which include the integration of inter -functional, process, and business concept which can move the integration between marketing […]
The relation between marketing and supply chain management – part 6
This research released by Ahmed Ragaie in 2014 during his masters degree from ESE, University of Buckingham. 4.4 Testing and analysis of the second hypothesis (The strategic integration between marketing and global supply chain will lead to more competitive advantage and increase customer service & loyalty leading to increased outcomes). Besides the use of self-fulfilling […]
The relation between marketing and supply chain management – part 5
This research released by Ahmed Ragaie in 2014 during his masters degree from ESE, University of Buckingham. Research Findings –Data and Analysis section 4.1 Introduction After establishing the research methodology adopted in this study in the previous parts, this chapter presents the research findings obtained. Out of the 120 questionnaires issued to the selected participants, […]
The relation between marketing and supply chain management – part 4
This research released by Ahmed Ragaie in 2014 during his masters degree from ESE, University of Buckingham. Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction After exploring the theoretical framework underpinning this study in previous parts, this part now presents the research methodology employed to provide answers to the research questions. First, the research design is presented, followed by […]
The relation between marketing and supply chain management – part 3
This research released by Ahmed Ragaie in 2014 during his masters degree from ESE, University of Buckingham. Why integration creates value It is very important to realize that customers have at least 3 perspectives of value so when the firm’s decision makers realize and understand well all of those values they design the firm’s strategy […]
The relation between marketing and supply chain management – part 2
This research released by Ahmed Ragaie in 2014 during his masters degree from ESE, University of Buckingham. Research Topic Global Supply Chain With The Local Marketing Talent Released in August 2014 Economic of scale and economic of scope Now we’re moving to describe the economies of scale and economies of scope and its relation with […]